
History: Two hourly sessions per week for 11-12 year olds. 

1) Teacher introduction /exposition/skills and content. Task setting. 

2) Consolidation/presentations by students. This hour will include discussion of problems encountered in tasks/problem solving/ next steps

We shall be using Zoom until and unless a more widely
resource could replace it. 

We use Edmodo as our platform to support lessons, share resources and link to possible extra curricular pointers.

Individual Tuition could be available. Yet due to the nature of history, which is collaborative: small classes of 10 students maximum are offered.

Our First History Offering:

Curriculum for 11-12 year olds

Term 1:  Skills of the historian: Sources, chronology, question making.  

Term 2: The Silk Roads: using Frank Frankopans Book provides the terms studies.

Term 3: The Good Sharps by Hester Grants. This history book starts with an oil painting of a family. Who were they? The history enquiry follows of the Brothers and the Sisters!

We will be adding a curricular fo 12-13 year olds and also 13-14 year olds in History in due course!


We use Sapere 'P4C' which is Philosophy for Children in this context.

Once a week, for one hour, students engage with the materials, the ideas, the philosophy that has engaged our cultures for Millenia.

Small groups help facilitate conversations and growth as students engage in creating argument, discovering principles and how to respect each other.

This session is only offered on Saturdays